in reply to Desparately seeking a bilingual vim/Emacs expert

At the risk of being slightly off-topic, I would also share my 2c Emacs tip with you. I've put this hook to call perltidy (pressing F6) in my .emacs:
(defun my-cperl-hook () "What to run when cperl-mode is turned on" ;; Function to call perltidy (defun perltidy-whole-buffer () "Filter the current buffer through perltidy" (interactive) (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "perltidy -st" nil 1 shell-command-default-error-buffer ) ) ;; Bind key (define-key cperl-mode-map [f6] 'perltidy-whole-buffer) )
The hook has to be added to the correct customisation variable as well:
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/pas +te it! ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; ... '(cperl-mode-hook (quote (my-cperl-hook))) )
Of course, s/cperl/perl/g if you don't want to use cperl.

Flavio (perl -e "print(scalar(reverse('ti.xittelop@oivalf')))")

Don't fool yourself.