in reply to Re^3: useless use of sort???
in thread useless use of sort???

Understood... thank you! In steps 4,5,6 I am having syntax issues. Is the sorted array on the right? @unsotrted = sort {$b <=> $a } @sorted; Here is my code:
#use diagnostics; use warnings; use strict; my $file = qq(/var/adm/sa/vm); my $vmout = qq(/var/adm/sa/vm.out); my $cpuout = qq(/var/adm/sa/cpu.out); my $art = qq(/var/adm/sa/arout); my @ar = (); my @ar2 = (); open (FILE, "<$file") || die "unable to open file $!"; open (MEMOUT, ">>$vmout") || die "unable to open file $!"; open (CPOUT, ">>$cpuout") || die "unable to open file $!"; while (<FILE>) { local $, = "\n"; s/id//, s/wa//, print CPOUT push @ar, +(split)[16], $,; s/id//, s/wa//, print MEMOUT +(split)[4], $,; } close (MEMOUT) or warn "unable to close file $!"; close (CPOUT) or warn "unable to close file $!"; close (FILE) or warn "unable to close file $!"; @ar = sort { $a <=> $b } @ar; print "Now printing array 1\n", @ar;