User since: Nov 21, 2000 at 23:14 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: Jan 14, 2006 at 03:59 UTC (18 years ago)
Experience: 130
Level:Sexton (4)
Writeups: 19
Location:Fort Worth, TX
User's localtime: Apr 25, 2024 at 09:08 CDT
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I've Switched...after playing with a friends PowerBook and loving the GUI (which was my only problem with XFree) I have finally switched to OS X. Which isn't saying much...I used to run Linux and X/Windows on a Pentium running 128mb @ 200 mhz. Now I've bought an 867mhz Dual Processor with 256mb. Other than I will soon increase the memory in 2gig's. I still feel like I'm screaming and best of all is that all my perl s‎crip‎ts run without any modification. I Love Unix and it's really great with the OS X GUI!!! Now it's time to find a job in Fort Worth, TX if you got ideas e-mail me!!