in reply to How do I print a large integer with thousands separators?

For integers, one can avoid reverse as well as the repeated substr derivation of the remaining string in the loop:

sub commafy_int { my $n = shift; length($n) > 3 or return $n; my $l = length($n) - 3; my $i = ($l - 1) % 3 + 1; my $x = substr($n,0,$i) . ','; while ( $i < $l ) { $x .= substr($n,$i,3) . ','; $i += 3; } $x . substr($n,$i) }
Not using reverse also makes it much easier to convert this to work on floats (i.e. strings containing a decimal separator, '.'). To do so, simply replace any length calls above with index($n.'.','.').