rjbs has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am completely stumped! I'm working on a class which is implemented on a scalar reference. It overloads operations to pass through to the referenced scalar, mostly by building an appropriate string and evaluating it. It's not quite working. The frustrating thing is that after I added a few little print statements, it reports that it's eval'd the statement and gotten 1, but returns false! This code is a fairly minimal test case. You can remove the __END__ tag to see some extra testing using Test::More.
use strict; use warnings; package Object::Capsule; sub encapsulate { my $object = shift; bless \$object => 'Object::Capsule'; } use overload '${}' => sub { $_[0] }, '""' => sub { "${$_[0]}" }, '0+' => sub { 0 + ${$_[0]} }, nomethod => sub { my $expr = $_[2] ? "\$_[1] $_[3] \${\$_[0]}" : "\${\$_[0]} $_[3] \$_[1]"; print "# capsule overload eval-ing : $expr\n"; my $result = eval $expr; print "# capsule overload returning: ", $result, "\n"; return $result; }, ; package Widget; sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ } => $class } sub size { (shift)->{size} } use overload '""' => sub { "It's a widget!" }, '0+' => sub { $_[0]->{size} }, fallback => 1 ; package main; my $widget = new Widget size => 10; my $capsule = Object::Capsule::encapsulate($widget); my $result = $capsule eq "It's a widget!"; print "# result of comparison: ", ($result?'true':'false'), "\n"; $result = $capsule ne "It's a widget!"; print "# result of comparison: ", ($result?'true':'false'), "\n"; print "\n"; print "# -- bytes of returned strings --\n"; print "# ", join(' ',map { ord($_) } split //, "$capsule"), "\n"; print "# ", join(' ',map { ord($_) } split //, "It's a widget!"), "\n" +; print "\n--(Test::More stuff below this point)--\n"; __END__ use Test::More 'no_plan'; isa_ok($widget, 'Widget'); cmp_ok($widget, '==', 10, "widget numifies as intended" +); cmp_ok($widget, 'eq', "It's a widget!", "widget stringifies as intend +ed"); print "\n"; isa_ok($capsule, 'Object::Capsule'); isa_ok($$capsule, 'Widget'); cmp_ok($capsule, '==', 10, "capsule cmp_ok == 10"); cmp_ok($capsule, 'eq', "It's a widget!", "capsule cmp_ok eq the string +"); ok($capsule == 10, "capsule numifies as intended"); ok($capsule eq "It's a widget!", "capsule stringifies as intended" +);