I know this has come up before (New Jobs Section), but I think I have a different take on it. I would love to see a section where Monks can tell other Monks, who are interested enough to look, about jobs that are Perl friendly. I am quite secure where I am right now, but both in the CB and at UoP I heard many talking about how jelous they are of people who have Perl jobs. When I make my next move, if it's not into my own thang (no typo :) it will hopefully a Perl thang. But every time I look around out of curiosity the stuff on the web has Perl as a line item among many many things I just don't want to do. I know that there are jobs out there that are Perl nirvana, or, at least Perl gardens. I think it would take a bit of Monk to Monk communication to make sure sure they are know to our little community.

What I don't want, and what was so put down in the other thread, is a section for recruiters and employers to advertise in. That would be too much on our eyes and vroom's DB. I don't want to make anyone burn midnight oil to fatten fat pockets. I'd just like to see Monk's fatten their pockets while celebrating their craft.

"sometimes when you make a request for the head you don't
want the big, fat body...don't you go snickering."
                                         -- Nathan Torkington UoP2K a.k.a gnat