The beginnings of a different take on OOP Perl tutorials:

=head1 Data First OOP =head2 Introduction It's pretty common to hear people extolling the virtues of Object Orie +nted Programming, or OOP. Usually they talk about the wonders of inh +eritance and polymorphism. This is great if you have a background in + computer science and know what these things are and why they are des +irable. My take on OOP is different. OOP is great because it makes it easy to +work with data. Everything else is just a side benefit. In my view, the most important thing about OOP is that B<Objects tie d +ata to behaviors>. =head2 Caught in a BIND Before I did a lot of OOP, I often found myself with a big nested data + structure or two at the heart my code. These things are such a pain +that I find the nickname BIND (BIg Nested Data) appropriate. If you've ever tried to work with a hash of arrays of hashes or someth +ing similar, you know how unpleasant it can be. Now go two or three +levels deeper. Add some non-uniform layers where some elements are h +ashes, others arrays or scalars. It very quickly becomes tedious to +write routines operate on BINDs. What routine has to reach into wha +t part? Oh no, I need to restructure a bit, and I have 15 subroutines + to modify now! Not to mention all the debugging when I absent-minde +dly use the wrong subscript or access the wrong part of the BIND. This is where objects come to the rescue. =head2 Example Acme Cab Company Rather than go into a big theoretical discussion, I'll start with an e +xample. Let's consider an application that generates reports for a taxi compan +y. At the end of each shift, each driver turns in a log with a list +of his fares. We are putting together a program to read in these log +s and produce some reports. my $shift_data = { 'DAY' => { 'George Smith' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], 'Ralph Stone' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], }, 'SWING' => { 'Frank Franklin' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], 'Jack Jones' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], }, 'GRAVEYARD' => { 'Amy Ericson' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], 'Patrick Brown' => [ [ pickup => [ '08:12:30', '123 Anystreet' ] dropoff => [ '08:45:19', '432 Otherstreet' ] fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], [ pickup => [ '09:02:05', '23 Maple Ave' ] dropoff => [ '10:45:19', '32 Box Bvd' ] fare => '$175.20', source => 'flagged', ], ], }, }; A nice clean structure. Easy enough to see that for a given day we ha +ve three shifts. Each shift has a few drivers who have a few fares. + Each fare has some information about where and when it started and e +nded, as well as the money collected and whether the fare came from c +entral dispatch or from being flagged down on the street. On the downside, it is complicated enough that it will be tricky to wr +ite code to dig into it. This is where we turn the structure into a group of objects and save o +urselves some confusion. How do we break this BIND into objects? The same way we broke it down +when reading it. I like to do this kinds of conversion from the deep +est layer out to the top layer. Our deepest data structure is an array of two values labeled as either + C<pickup> or C<dropoff>. What are pickups and dropoffs? They are t +imes when the cab stops. So let's call the object 'Stop'. We now ha +ve a name, what information is important about a stop? Well, we have + a location and a time. So we define a stop as an object with a loca +tion and a time. package AcmeCab::Stop; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Initialize any attributes $self->$_( $arg{$_} ) for keys %arg; return $self; } sub location { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $loc = shift; # Add some validation here. $self->{location} = $loc; } return $self->{location}; } sub time { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $time = shift; # Add some validation here. $self->{time} = $time; } return $self->{time}; } 1; Now a fare can be thought of as: [ pickup => AcmeCab::Stop->new( time => '08:12:30', location => + '123 Anystreet' ), dropoff => AcmeCab::Stop->new( time => '08:45:19', location => + '432 Otherstreet' ), fare => '$25.62', source => 'dispatch', ], Which brings us to the next level of the structure: The Fare. So let' +s make AcmeCab::Fare. Each fare has two stops, an amount charged and + source. So we write: package AcmeCab::Fare; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw(croak); use constant SOURCES => qw( dispatch flagged cabstand ); my %SOURCES; @SOURCES{ SOURCES() } = (); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Initialize any attributes $self->$_( $arg{$_} ) for keys %arg; return $self; } sub pickup { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $pu = shift; croak 'pickup must be an AcmeCab::Stop object' unless $pu->isa('AcmeCab::Stop'); $self->{pickup} = $pu; } return $self->{pickup}; } sub dropoff { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $do = shift; croak 'dropoff must be an AcmeCab::Stop object' unless $do->isa('AcmeCab::Stop'); $self->{dropoff} = $do; } return $self->{dropoff}; } sub source { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $source = shift; croak 'source must be one of ' . join(",", map " '$_'", SOURCE +S) unless exists $SOURCES{$source}; $self->{source} = $source; } return $self->{source}; } sub fare { my $self = shift; if( @_ ) { my $fare = shift; $self->{fare} = $fare; } return $self->{fare}; } 1; What else do we want know about a fare? What about how long it lasted +? Add a subroutine/method called 'duration' and you've got it. =head2 Results "So what?" you may be asking. There's a lot of code, and it doesn't do + anything. Let's consider what would be needed to calculate total earning time fo +r each driver on a given shift. First with the bind: for my $shift ( qw( DAY NIGHT GRAVEYARD ) ) { }
Lady_Aleena, here's my version of your Base::Hosts in object form.
package Base::Hosts; use strict; use warnings; # Make your host objects my @hosts = map Base::Host->new( $_ ), ( { directory => 'C:/Documents and Settings/ME/My Documents/fantas +y', 'link' => q(http://localhost), user => q(ME), name => q(My Domain), mail => q(ME@localhost), }, { directory => '/ftp/pub/www/fantasy', 'link' => q(, user => q(Fantasy), name => q(Fantasy's Realm), mail => q(, }, { directory => '/home/lady_aleena/var/www', 'link' => q(, user => q(Lady Aleena), name => q(Lady Aleena's Home), mail => q(, }, ); # Put them in a hash by directory my %hosts_by_dir = map { $_->directory, $_ } @hosts; # Host class definition. BEGIN { package Base::Host; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my %arg = @_; for my $attr ( qw/ link user name mail directory / ) croak "Required attribute '$attr' not supplied" unless exists $arg{$attr}; $self->{$attr} = $arg{$attr}; } return $class; } sub link { my $self = shift; return $self->{'link'}; } sub user { my $self = shift; return $self->{user}; } sub name { my $self = shift; return $self->{name}; } sub mail { my $self = shift; return $self->{mail}; } sub directory { my $self = shift; return $self->{directory}; } 1; }