Category: NT Admin
Author/Contact Info tye

Cleans up the System and User-specific PATH persistent environment variables by removing duplicate and invalid entries. Can also add directories to the System PATH. Note that it has been wrapped by pl2bat for ease of use under Windows NT. This script does not work for Win9x. I've tested it under WinNT, Win2K, and WinXP.

Update: Now also fixes the value type having been set to REG_SZ instead of REG_EXPAND_SZ.

Update 2: Now also sets the PATH in the parent command shell, which can be very convenient. Code also cleaned up just a bit. See reply below for older version.

Update 3: (2007-01-20) Fixed but where "ARRAY(...)" written to change log rather than path strings, minor whitespace ajustments, and fix bug demerphq pointed out long ago.

@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
if "%OS%" == "" goto Win95
perl -x -S "%0" %*
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
goto endofperl
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#line 13

use strict;

exit( 0 );

sub ExpandEnv {
    my( $str )= @_;
    while(  $str =~ /%([^\s=]+)%/  ) {
        my $repl= $ENV{$1};
        if(  ! defined( $repl )  ) {
            warn "%$1% not set in environment -- dropping.\n";
            return "";
        $str =~ s//$repl/;
    return $str;

sub CleanPath {
    my( $aPath, $hUser )= @_;
    my( $path, $dir );
    my @GoodPath= ();
    my %GoodPath= ();
    while(  @$aPath  ) {
        $path= shift(@$aPath);
        print STDERR qq<  "$path"- >;
        $dir= ExpandEnv( $path )
            or  next;
        $dir =~ s#([^:/\\])[/\\]$#$1#;
        print STDERR qq<is "$dir"; >
            if  $dir ne $path;
        $path =~ s#([^:/\\])[/\\]$#$1#;
        if(  ! -d $dir  ) {
            warn "does not exist -- dropping.\n";
        } elsif(  $dir !~ /^([a-z]:|\\\\)/i  ) {
            warn "isn't absolute -- dropping.\n";
        } elsif(  $GoodPath{uc $dir}  ) {
            warn "is a repeat -- dropping.\n";
        } elsif(  defined($hUser)  &&  $hUser->{uc $dir}  ) {
            warn "is user-specific -- dropping.\n";
        } else {
            if(  $path =~ /^\Q$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\E/io  ) {
                $path =~ s/^\Q$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\E/%SystemRoot%/;
                print STDERR qq<changed to "$path">;
            warn "is good -- keeping!\n";
            push( @GoodPath, $path );
            $GoodPath{uc $path}= $path;
            $GoodPath{uc $dir}= $path
                if  $dir ne $path;
    @$aPath= @GoodPath;

sub SplitSysPath {
    my( $SysPath, @dirs )= @_;
    my @SysPath= split( /;/, $SysPath->[0], -1 );
    my $dir;
    foreach $dir (  @dirs  ) {
        if(  $dir !~ m#^[a-z]:[/\\]#i  ) {
            die qq<Usage:  $0 ["x:\\dir_to_add" [...]]\n>,
                "Cleans invalid and repeated directories from the syst
                "and user-specific PATH environment settings.\n",
                "Prepends any listed directories to the system PATH.\n
        } elsif(  ! -d $dir  ) {
            die "No such directory ($dir): $!\n";
        } else {
            warn "Prepending directory ($dir) to system path.\n";
            unshift( @SysPath, $dir );
    return @SysPath;

sub SaveChanges {
    my( $keyEnv, $keyPath, $avPath, $type )= @_;
    if(     $keyPath->[0] eq join( ";", @$avPath )
        &&  $keyPath->[1] != REG_SZ()
    ) {
        warn "\u$type PATH required no changes.\n";
    } elsif(  @$avPath  ) {
        if(  $keyPath->[1] == REG_SZ()  ) {
            warn "\u$type PATH changed from REG_SZ to REG_EXPAND_SZ.\n
            $keyPath->[1]= REG_EXPAND_SZ()
        $keyPath->[0]= join( ";", @$avPath );
        $keyEnv->{"/PATH"}= $keyPath
            or  die "Can't set $type PATH in Registry: $^E\n";
        warn "\u$type PATH successfully updated.\n";
    } elsif(  "" ne $keyPath->[0]  ) {
        if(  ! delete $keyEnv->{"/PATH"}  ) {
            warn "Can't delete (now-useless) $type PATH ",
                 "from Registry: $^E\n";
        } else {
            warn "Now-empty $type PATH successfully deleted.\n";

sub SaveState {
    my( $SysPath, $UserPath )= @_;
    my $UserName= $ENV{USERNAME} || "user";

    if(  open( TEMP, ">> $ENV{TEMP}\\" )  ) {
        printf TEMP "On %d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d:\n",
            sub { $_[0]+=1900; $_[1]++; return @_ }
                ->( (localtime)[5,4,3,2,1,0] );
        print TEMP "Old system PATH=$SysPath\n";
        print TEMP "Old $UserName PATH=$UserPath\n";
        close TEMP;
    } else {
        warn "Can't write to $ENV{TEMP}\\ $!\n";
        warn "Old system PATH=$SysPath\n";
        warn "Old $UserName PATH=$UserPath\n";

sub SetParentPath {
    my( $path )= @_;

    my $start= tell(DATA)
        or  die "Can't tell(DATA): $!";
    open DATA, "+< $0"  or  die "Can't read self ($0): $!\n";
    seek( DATA, $start, 0 )
        or  die "Can't fseek(DATA,$start,0): $!";
    die "Expected :endofperl after __END__ of $0.\n"
        unless  <DATA> =~ /^\s*:endofperl\s*$/i;
    seek( DATA, 0, 1 )
        or  die "Can't fseek(DATA,0,1): $!";

    if(  $path ne $ENV{PATH}  ) {
        warn "Updating current command shell's PATH...\n";
        print DATA "set PATH=$path\n";

    truncate DATA, tell(DATA);

sub Main {
    my $Reg;
    use Win32::TieRegistry ( TiedRef => \$Reg,
        ArrayValues => 1, Delimiter => "/", ":REG_" );
    my $UserEnv= $Reg->{"CUser/Environment/"}
        or  die "Can't open Registry key, CUser/Environment/: $^E\n";
    my $SysEnv= $Reg->{
        .   "Session Manager/Environment/"
        or  die "Can't open Registry key, Session Manager/Environment:
+ $^E\n";
    my $SysPath= $SysEnv->{"/PATH"}
        or  die "Can't read system PATH from Registry: $^E\n";

    my @SysPath= SplitSysPath( $SysPath, @ARGV );

    my $UserPath= $UserEnv->{"/PATH"} || [ "", REG_EXPAND_SZ() ];
    my @UserPath= split( /;/, $UserPath->[0], -1 );

    SaveState( $SysPath->[0], $UserPath->[0] );

    warn "Cleaning user-specific PATH:\n";
    CleanPath( \@UserPath );

    my %UserPath= map {uc $_, $_} @UserPath;
    warn "Cleaning system PATH:\n";
    CleanPath( \@SysPath, \%UserPath );

    SaveChanges( $SysEnv, $SysPath, \@SysPath, "system" );
    SaveChanges( $UserEnv, $UserPath, \@UserPath, "user-specific" );

    my $path= join ";", map { ExpandEnv($_) || () } @UserPath, @SysPat
    SetParentPath( $path );
