This program, inspired by OT: How to find anagrams?, computes multi-word anagrams of a word or phrase. The program works by first creating a pool of possible words that could be made from the letters of the phrase. Then it enumerates over all possible combinations of word lengths, which corresponds to all the integer partitions of the phrase length. For each partition, it then tests all possible words of those particular lengths to see if they form an anagram of the phrase. For example, the phrase 'scalene' produces 'cleanse' and 'lee scan', among others. Output is one anagram per line.
#!/usr/bin/perl # usage: anagram 'my phrase' dictionary_file use warnings; use strict; use Algorithm::Loops qw/ NestedLoops /; my $phrase = shift; my $dict = shift; # collapse all letters into a sorted sequence (my $sorted = $phrase) =~ s/[\W]//g; $sorted = join '', sort split //, $sorted; my $rx = qr|^[$sorted]+$|i; my $phrase_length = length $sorted; open DICT, "<$dict" or die "Could not open $dict: $!\n"; my @list; my $num_words; while (my $word = <DICT>) { chomp $word; next if length $word > $phrase_length; next unless $word =~ $rx; next if length $word == 1 && $word ne 'a' && $word ne 'i'; push @{ $list[length $word] }, $word; $num_words++; } close DICT; print "Number of words in pool: $num_words\n"; my @size; $size[$_] = @{ $list[ $_ ] } for 1..$phrase_length; # Enumerate over all integer partitions my @p; part( 2*$phrase_length, $phrase_length, 0); ### Subroutines sub part { my ($n, $k, $t) = @_; $p[$t] = $k; check_part( $t) if $n == $k; for (my $j = $k<$n-$k ? $k : $n-$k; $j >= 1; $j--) { part( $n-$k, $j, $t+1); } } my %ana_seen; sub check_part { my $t = shift; # create iterator for all combos of words my @iter = map { [0..$size[$p[$_]]-1] } 1..$t; my $iter = NestedLoops( \@iter); while( my @i = $iter->() ) { my $formatted = join " ", sort map {$list[ $p[$_] ][ $i[$_-1] ]} + 1..$t; next if $ana_seen{$formatted}; $ana_seen{$formatted} = 1; my $test = join "", split / /, $formatted; $test = join '', sort split //, $test; print "$formatted\n" if $test eq $sorted; } }
Update: cleaned up check_part() - removed debugging, filtered dups.
