in reply to "Storable object version 1.012 does not match $Storable::VERSION 2.04" moving script from PC to laptop

The solution is simple: you have different versions of Perl installed on the two machines. You moved the script from the PC, which probably runs an old Perl version, which had a storable datafile which was moved to the laptop too.
The Perl version (actually Storable version) on the laptop can't read that datafile, because it was created with an incompatible Storable version.

When you install the Perl version you had on the PC on the laptop, you can read the file again on the laptop, and the script will most likely run.

update: Most important of this is that the version of the Storable module on both machines *must* be different

Jouke Visser, Perl 'Adept'
Using Perl to help the disabled: pVoice and pStory