in reply to Jumble solver

An alternate method, without external programs, using a method similar to the one seen in Perl's pearls:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DB_File; my $search_word = shift or die "word required"; my %sorted; tie %sorted, 'DB_File', "words_jumble.db"; unless (keys %sorted) { # Creates the word index. open WORDS, "/usr/share/dict/words" # your favorite dictionary h +ere or die "can't open words file\n"; while (<WORDS>) { chomp; my $word = pack "C*", sort unpack "C*", lc $_; $sorted{$word} .= "," if $sorted{$word}; $sorted{$word} .= $_; } close WORDS; } my $sorted_word = pack "C*", sort unpack "C*", lc $search_word; die "$search_word not found\n" unless exists $sorted{$sorted_word}; print "[$_]\n" for split",", $sorted{$sorted_word}; __END__ perl elvis [Elvis] [evils] [Levis] [lives] [veils] perl parse [pares] [parse] [pears] [rapes] [reaps] [spare] [spear] perl steak [Keats] [skate] [stake] [steak] [takes]
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