in reply to Re: Zaurus addressbook.xml parser
in thread Zaurus addressbook.xml parser

Yup, I agree, using an XMP Parser would be better, (and i'm pretty familiar with some of the ones on CPAN).

The goal here was to produce something that had zero dependencies for use on my Zaurus, which is a PDA.

I wanted something that i could carry around or have quick access to which was the simplest to install / use. I acknowledge all the failings, i agree / know about the parsers, this is just "something cool" which works for me and my data.

FYI, a sample record,

<Contact FirstName="FFFFFF" LastName="LLLL" FileAs="LLLL, FFFFFF" Busi +nessMobile="+12345678901" DefaultEmail="wwwwwwwwww@wwwwww.ww" Emails= +"wwwwwwwwww@wwwwww.ww " HomePhone="1111 111 111" Gender="0" WorkEma +il="wwwwwwwwww@wwwwwwww.ww" rid="53" rinfo="0" Uid="-1068731722" />

Update:The entire program is now on the Zaurus-users mailing list.