in reply to non-CPAN module distributions

For the basic modularization stuff, I'm working on something similar.

Unfortunately ExtUtils::MakeMaker only really works when you have everything under a single module directory. I ended up making a top level prefix that matched my work name, and putting everything under that. The downside being that I had to change all the package lines, all the use lines, and everywhere that referenced that code. A few regex one-liners did the trick, but it was still a pain.

This solved many of the problems you listed. The source to my module is in CVS, and I can just do a cvs update. When you want to install, perl Makefile.PL LIB=/install/path works great, and only updates changed files.

You can also make a distribution tarball (make dist) to install on multiple machines, or just do cvs update and build on each machine - It only installs newer files.

That said, I'll be watching this thread for any alternate solutions. There is a MAKEFILE_PL option in MakeMaker for which the docs read "put other directories with Makefile.PL files in here". I'm thinking that might be used for a suite of modules with a master Makefile.PL. I'm not sure though.

Hope this helps.

A few links that might help: