Here is the entry that I sent into the TPJ 5th annual obfuscated Perl contest. I entered it in as a diversion. The code is actually a team effort, I wrote the core and then Tye and I set to work obfuscating and souring (removing the sugar from) the code. And yes, it is 'strict' and does not generate warnings when used correctly. It can also take user input on the command line.
($@,$?)=(@ARGV,9,9);$:=1-$?*$@;print"# ",'##'x($@-2),"# # ";$_[0][$_]=$_[$?+1][$_]=8for 0..$@;$_[$_][0]=$_[$_][$@+1]=8for 0..$?;$/=1+rand$?,$.=1+rand$@;@@=[$.,$/];$_[$/][$.]=$^=4;while($:) {$"=$^-->3?rand 4:++$"%4;1>$"?$.--:2>$"?$/--:2^$"?++$/:$.++;if($_[$/][ $.]&&1){pop@@,$^=4if!$^;($.,$/)=@{$@[-1]};next}$_[$/][$.]=$^=4;$"< 2?$_[$/][$.]|=1<<$":($_[$@[-1][1]][$@[-1][0]]|=1<<$"-2);push@@ ,[$.,$/];++$:}print"#",map({$_%2?' ':' #'}@$_[1..$@])," #",map({2&$_?' #':'##'}@$_[1..$@]),"\n"for@_[1..$?]
Disclaimer: The contest required the code to work under Perl 5.6, some things in this code might not work on older versions of Perl. (Although I think it will work with versions 5.005 and newer)

Update: Nov 2, 2000
Well, the results are in over at TPJ, and we didn't win. We didn't even place.
Oh well, there is always next year!