Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info Wombat; the man, the legend, the chosen one.
Description: Some discussion went on recently about how to make decorationless windows in TK. The answer of course is to use the popular $mw->overrideredirect(1); function. However this was determined unsatisfactory because it prevented the window from being moved about the screen.

Well, I solved that.

All it is is that you make a border of widgets around the screen of whatever you want, and use the geometry function on the main window to move it about. Use the pointerxy construct to find out where the cursor is. Have fun!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
use strict;

my @Custom_Border = ();
my @frames = ();
my ($x, $y) = 0;
my $flag = 0;

my $mw = MainWindow->new(-background=>'#000000',
             -title=>"You Should Never See This.");


$frames[0] = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill=>'both');
$frames[1] = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill=>'both');
$frames[2] = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill=>'both');

$Custom_Border[0] = $frames[0]->Label(-background=>'#FFFFFF',
$Custom_Border[1] = $frames[1]->Label(-background=>'#FFFFFF',

$frames[3] = $frames[1]->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left',-fill=>'both');

$Custom_Border[2] = $frames[1]->Label(-background=>'#FFFFFF',
$Custom_Border[3] = $frames[2]->Label(-background=>'#FFFFFF',
my $Q_Button = $frames[3]->Button(-text=>"Quit",-command=>sub {$mw->de

$Custom_Border[0]->bind('<Button-1>',sub {$flag = 1;});
$Custom_Border[0]->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',sub {$flag = 0;});

$Custom_Border[0]->bind('<Motion>',sub {
        if ($flag) {
          ($x,$y) = $Custom_Border[0]->pointerxy;
          printf "Moving to %d,%d\n",$Custom_Border[0]->pointerxy;
