#!perl -w use strict; use vars '$VERSION'; #Added 0.02{ use File::Spec; # $VERSION = 0.03; #} foreach( @ARGV ){ eval "require $_" || next; #Short-circuit added 0.03 # s%::%/%g; $_ = File::Spec->catfile(split(/::/, $_)); #Added 0.02 $_ .= '.pm' unless /\.pm$/; print $INC{$_}, ' '; } print "\n"; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME whichpm - lists real paths of specified modules =head1 SYNOPSIS less `whichpm Bar` =head1 DESCRIPTION Analogous to the UN*X command which. Even with TAB completion entering paths like F</afs/ +> can be gruesome. ~ makes it a bit more bearable F<~/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/IO/Pager>. Then inspiration struck, perl knows where its libraries are; modulo @I +NC. Better yet, you don't have to know if it's a core module or site speci +fic nor architecture specific vs. platform independent. =head1 AUTHOR Jerrad Pierce <> =cut

I'm not belgian but I play one on TV.