footpad has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

The apprentice tries to dust off and improve some unused skills...

I'm creating a 404 ErrorDocument handler to perform redirects based on file name changes on my site's source files. Here's an abbreviated version of what's currently working:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); $| = 1; my $cgi = new CGI; my $dir = '/my/httpd/path'; # spoofed my $old = $ENV{ 'REDIRECT_URL' } || ''; my $new = ''; if ( $old =~ /(.*?)\.foo/i ) { $new = "$"; if ( -e "$dir$new" ) { print redirect( $new ); exit; } } else { doStandard404(); }

My petition is, "Is there a way to set the status code of the redirection?" (The idea, as you might expect, is to return a 301 indicating that the document has moved permanently, so the search engines will notice the change and update their databases accordingly) Alternatively, does already return an appropriate error code?

I've checked the Friendly Docs, but didn't see anything. Also, a few google searches didn't turn up anything that seemed relevant, though may be due to my lack of tilly-fu.)

Details, if they're relevant, include Apache 2.0, Perl 5.6.1, 2.93

Thanks in advance...
