in reply to XML::Smart - Development in final stage. (beta is out)

You are correct, I did run into problems you are describing here. However, I found temporary remedy by instantiating an XML::Simple object with certain options that simplify the resulting perl structure somewhat. Here's an example code snippet:
use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; my $xs = new XML::Simple(forcearray => 1, forcecontent => 1, contentkey => '_content', keyattr => []); my $xml; { local $/ = undef; $xml = <DATA>; } my $xmlHash = $xs->XMLin($xml); print "xmlHash:\n" . Dumper($xmlHash); __DATA__ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <hosts> <server os="linux" type="redhat" version="8.0"> <address></address> <address></address> </server> <server address="" os="linux" type="conectiva" version= +"9.0"/> </hosts>
And the ouptut is
xmlHash: $VAR1 = { 'server' => [ { 'os' => 'linux', 'address' => [ { '_content' => '' }, { '_content' => '' } ], 'version' => '8.0', 'type' => 'redhat' }, { 'os' => 'linux', 'address' => '', 'version' => '9.0', 'type' => 'conectiva' } ] };
Note that I force the '_content' key which assures that there'll be much less inconsistancy in the xml structure (HASHREF or ARRAYREF etc).

I was also wondering if you had done any benchmarking on your module? I have a sizable script (~4000 lines) that makes extensive use of the XML::Simple module and was wondering if converting to, say, your smart module would slow it down considerably (and this being part of a larger web application may be the least I'd want to have :)?

Otherwise, your attempt does look worthwhile and promising :-)

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