Eureka!! eureka!! Archimedes shouts in streets of Syracuse ....

May be that was a big discovery for archimedes. Sometime you stuble upon piece of code or design or any other task. You don't have any idea how to get it working. Yet it works finally.
May be It doesn't work because you are tired or overloaded. Sometime you even forget to consult your immedidate resources and dont' know where to go... and something clicks.

How do you do it / What does it?

May be you have defined regular methods as what to do when it doesn't work. May be you trust some place/instinct/event/time/people that will make this thing working. When your most moments of 'Aha!' comes?

Do you make active use of these 'events'? What are they and how do you make use of it ?. The approach you take depends on lots of things. Your surrounding, status, power, problem understanding, knoledge, instinct etc.. These tips can play a good part to reduce occcasional stumbling

Few things that comes to my mind. Not in any particular order.
