Category: HTML Utility
Author/Contact Info /msg podmaster
use HTML::Scrubber; my $html = q[ <B> bold </B> <i> italic </i> <u> underlined </u> ]; my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new( allow => [ qw[ p b i u hr br ] ] ); print $scrubber->scrub($html); $scrubber->deny( qw[ p b i u hr br ] ); print $scrubber->scrub($html); __END__
bold italic underlined bold italic underlined

Grab a vanilla tarball here.

I've done the TODO, and uploaded HTML-Scrubber-0.02.tar.gz to CPAN. Version 0.01 kept here for historical purposes.

=head1 NAME

HTML::Scrubber - Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html


=for example begin

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use HTML::Scrubber;
    use strict;
+      #
    my $html = q[
+      #
        <B> bold                                                      
+      #
            <U> underlined                                            
+      #
+      #
                    <A href=#>  LINK    </A>                          
+      #
+      #
+      #
+      #
+      #
+      #
    my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new( allow => [ qw[ p b i u hr br ]
+ ] );
+      #
    print $scrubber->scrub($html);
+      #
    $scrubber->deny( qw[ p b i u hr br ] );
+      #
    print $scrubber->scrub($html);
+      #

=for example end


If you wanna "scrubbing"/"sanitize" html input, this be the modulehtml

I wasn't satisfied with HTML::Sanitizer because it is
based on HTML::TreeBuilder,
so I thought I'd write something similar
that works directly with HTML::Parser.

=head1 How does it work?

First a note on documentation: just study the example below.
It's all the documentation you could need.
If you're new to perl, good luck to you.

When a tag is encountered, HTML::Scrubber
allows/denies the tag using the explicit rule if one exists.

If no explicit rule exists, Scrubber applies the default rule.

If an explicit rule exists,
but it's a simple rule(0 or 1),
the default attribute rule is applied.

=head2 EXAMPLE

=for example begin

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use HTML::Scrubber;
    use strict;
+      #
    my @allow = qw[ br hr b a ];
+      #
    my @rules = (
        script => 0,
        img => {
            src => qr{^(?!http://)}i, # only relative image links allo
            alt => 1,
            '*' => 0,
+      #
    my @default = (
        0   =>    # default rule, deny all tags
            '*'           => 1, # default rule, allow all attributes
            'href'        => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
            'src'         => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i,
    #   If your perl doesn't have qr
    #   just use a string with length greater than 1
            'cite'        => '(?i-xsm:^(?!(?:java)?script))',
            'language'    => 0,
            'name'        => 1, # could be sneaky, but hey ;)
            'onblur'      => 0,
            'onchange'    => 0,
            'onclick'     => 0,
            'ondblclick'  => 0,
            'onerror'     => 0,
            'onfocus'     => 0,
            'onkeydown'   => 0,
            'onkeypress'  => 0,
            'onkeyup'     => 0,
            'onload'      => 0,
            'onmousedown' => 0,
            'onmousemove' => 0,
            'onmouseout'  => 0,
            'onmouseover' => 0,
            'onmouseup'   => 0,
            'onreset'     => 0,
            'onselect'    => 0,
            'onsubmit'    => 0,
            'onunload'    => 0,
            'src'         => 0,
            'type'        => 0,
+      #
    my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new();
    $scrubber->allow( @allow );
    $scrubber->rules( @rules ); # key/value pairs
    $scrubber->default( @default );
    $scrubber->comment(1); # 1 allow, 0 deny
+      #
    ## preferred way to create the same object
    $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new(
        allow   => \@allow,
        rules   => \@rules,
        default => \@default,
        comment => 1,
        process => 0,
+      #
    require Data::Dumper,die Data::Dumper::Dumper($scrubber) if @ARGV;
+      #
    my $it = q[
        <?php   echo(" EVIL EVIL EVIL "); ?>    <!-- asdf -->
        <I FAKE="attribute" > IN ITALICS WITH FAKE="attribute" </I><br
        <B> IN BOLD </B><br>
        <A NAME="evil">
            <A HREF="javascript:alert('die die die');"> HREF=JAVASCRIP
+T &lt;!&gt; </A>
            <A HREF="image/bigone.jpg" ONMOUSEOVER="alert('die die die
                <IMG SRC="image/smallone.jpg" ALT="ONMOUSEOVER JAVASCR
        </A> <br> 
+      #
    print "#original text",$/, $it, $/;
        "#scrubbed text (default ",
        $scrubber->default(), # no arguments returns the current value
        " comment ",
        " process ",
        " )",
+      #
    $scrubber->default(1); # allow all tags by default
    $scrubber->comment(0); # deny comments
+      #
        "#scrubbed text (default ",
        " comment ",
        " process ",
        " )",
+      #
    $scrubber->process(1);        # allow process instructions (danger
    $default[0] = 1;              # allow all tags by default
    $default[1]->{'*'} = 0;       # deny all attributes by default
    $scrubber->default(@default); # set the default again
+      #
        "#scrubbed text (default ",
        " comment ",
        " process ",
        " )",

=for example end


package HTML::Scrubber;
use HTML::Parser();
use HTML::Entities;
use vars qw[ $VERSION ];
use strict;

$VERSION = '0.01';

sub new {
    my $package = shift;
    my $p = HTML::Parser->new(
        api_version => 3,
        default_h => [\&_scrub, "self, event, tagname, attr, text"],

    my $self = {
        _p => $p,
        _rules => {
            '*' => 0,
        _comment => 0,
        _process => 0,
        _r => "",

    $p->{"\0_s"} = bless $self, $package;

    return $self unless @_;

    my %args = @_;

    for my $f( qw[ default allow deny rules process comment ] ) {
        next unless exists $args{$f};
        if( ref $args{$f} ) {
            $self->$f( @{ $args{$f} } ) ;
        } else {
            $self->$f( $args{$f} ) ;

    return $self;

sub _validate {
    my($t, $r, $a) = @_;

    return "<$t>" unless %$a;

    my %f;

    for my $k( keys %$a ) {
        if( exists $r->{$k} ) {
            if( ref $r->{$k} || length($r->{$k}) > 1 ) {
                $f{$k} = $a->{$k} if $a->{$k} =~ m{$r->{$k}};
            } elsif( $r->{$k} ) {
                $f{$k} = $a->{$k};
        } elsif( exists $r->{'*'} and $r->{'*'} ) {
            $f{$k} = $a->{$k};
    return "<$t $r>"
        if $r = join ' ',
                map {
                } keys %f;

    return "<$t>";

sub _scrub {
    my( $p, $e, $t, $a, $text ) = @_;
    my $s = $p->{"\0_s"} ;

    if ( $e eq 'start' ) {
        if( exists $s->{_rules}->{$t} ) {  # is there a specific rule
            if( ref $s->{_rules}->{$t} ) { # is it complicated?(not si
                $s->{_r} .= _validate($t, $s->{_rules}->{$t}, $a);
            } elsif( $s->{_rules}->{$t} ) {
        # validate using default attribute rule
                $s->{_r} .= _validate($t, $s->{_rules}->{'_'}, $a);
        } elsif( $s->{_rules}->{'*'} ) { # default allow tags
            $s->{_r} .= _validate($t, $s->{_rules}->{'_'}, $a);
    } elsif ( $e eq 'end' ) {
        if( exists $s->{_rules}->{$t} ) {
            $s->{_r} .= "</$t>" if $s->{_rules}->{$t};
        } elsif( $s->{_rules}->{'*'} ) {
            $s->{_r} .= "</$t>";
    } elsif ( $e eq 'comment' ) {
        $s->{_r} .= $text if $s->{_comment};
    } elsif ( $e eq 'process' ) {
        $s->{_r} .= $text if $s->{_process};
    } elsif ( $e eq 'text' or $e eq 'default') {
        $s->{_r} .= $text;
    } elsif ( $e eq 'start_document' ) {
        $s->{_r} = "";

sub comment {
            if @_ == 1;
    $_[0]->{_comment} = $_[1];

sub process {
            if @_ == 1;
    $_[0]->{_process} = $_[1];

sub allow {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_rules}{$_}=1 for @_;
#    $self->{_p}->report_tags(@_); # I can't do this one ;(

sub deny {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_rules}{$_} = 0 for @_;
#    $self->{_p}->ignore_tags(@_); # optimization ;)

sub rules{
    my $self = shift;
    my %rules = @_;
    for my $k(keys %rules) {
        $self->{_rules}{$k} = $rules{$k};

sub default {
            if @_ == 1;
    $_[0]->{_rules}{'*'} = $_[1] if defined $_[1];
    $_[0]->{_rules}{'_'} = $_[2] if defined $_[2];

sub scrub_file {
    return delete $_[0]->{_r};

sub scrub {
    return delete $_[0]->{_r};


#print sprintf q[ '%-12s => %s,], "$_'", $h{$_} for sort keys %h;# per

=head2 FUN

If you don't know how to install this, try

    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
        'NAME'        => 'HTML::Scrubber',
        'VERSION_FROM'    => '', # finds $VERSION

If you have Test::Inline, try

    pod2test >scrubber.t
    perl scrubber.t

=head1 CAVEATS

The interface is subject to change until I release this on CPAN.

The allow/deny/default methods are likely to go away,
so I can implement some optimizations (see L<TODO|"TODO"> for details)

=head1 TODO

Top priority, allow for redirecting output to a
file || filehandle instead of
just returning a giant string.


    $p->ignore_tags( TAG, ... )

is used as an optimization.
I need to figure out the semantics of using

    $p->report_tags( TAG, ... )

as an optimization option.
See L<HTML::Parser|HTML::Parser> if you're curious.

I have no plans at all of using
    $p->ignore_elements( TAG, ... )

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<HTML::Parser>, L<Test::Inline>, L<HTML::Sanitizer>.

=head1 AUTHOR

D.H aka PodMaster

=for in_the_future
Please use to report bugs.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2003 by D.H. aka PodMaster.
All rights reserved.

This module is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
