in reply to Rendering HTML / capturing pixels

You could convert your HTML to postscript via HTMLDOC (GPL) and then use (Perl API for Ghostscript) to convert to a ppm. Then convert your ppm to a GIF, which can then be loaded into Image::Magick.

Here is a shell script showing how ghostscript converts a postscript file to a ppm on the command line, you could probably simulate these actions using

#! /bin/sh # pstogif # # Call it by putting the .ps file name as first argument # but without the ".ps" extension. # Ex: for "" use "pstogif Intro_Tbl" # gs -r72x72 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=$1.ppm << endinput ($ run endinput pnmcrop < $1.ppm | ppmtogif > $1.gif
...This requires both GhostScript and pbmplus to work.

HTH. :-)

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