in reply to perl2exe - no more secrets

An interesting quote from the author of perl2exe analysis.
See the whole paper here .
I started to wonder why people use these Perl compilers, and then it hit me. They're obviously not used for security, since they provide no security. They're obviously not used for licence enforcement, since Bad Guys aren't going to stop to think about licences anyway, and Good Guys won't rip you off.

They're actually used out of shame; most of the code I've seen packaged up with these things is of amazingly poor quality, and I can understand why you wouldn't want people to look at that kind of code if you're making a commercial product out of it. People don't want to expose the fact that they're selling really quite bad programs for really too much money. If these programmers had a bit more pride in their Perl abilities and a little bit more honesty with their customers, the need for these sort of "compilers" would go away, and the problem would be solved.
(I underlined it.)

Lessons learned
Learn how to program properly, and forget about perl2exe!
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