in reply to How to iterate by fives?

use the modulus operator -- % isn't just for hashes.
for (1..100) { print "$_ "; print "\n" if ($_ % 5 ==0); # add a break (or other string) every +5 elements }
There are other ways to do it, but that's the most perl, I think.
Other ways?
@foo = map {$_*5} (1..10); # generate a list by fives. print join " ", @foo,"\n\n"; # see the fives. print "<table>"; # replace with calls to as appropriate. for my $ctr (0..$#foo) { print " <tr>\n "; print " <td>$_</td>" for (($ctr*5)+1 .. $foo[$ctr]); print "\n </tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n\n";