User since: Nov 12, 2002 at 16:38 UTC (21 years ago)
Last here: Oct 19, 2004 at 21:10 UTC (19 years ago)
Experience: 123
Level:Sexton (4)
Writeups: 5
Location:Centerton, AR
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 11:06 CDT
Scratchpad: None.
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I'm a Perl programmer for an ISP in Arkansas. Perl has been my passion since the early 90's when I picked it up for a simple CGI s‎crip‎t I wrote for fun. Now Perl pays the bills.

Apart from programming in Perl, I am a huge Transformers fan and I run a fansite, go to the conventions, collect the toys, you name it. I also enjoy watching anime and listening to all sorts of music. My favorite band is actually a three-way toss up between Pink Floyd, Radiohead, and They Might Be Giants.