in reply to Re: Re: Front Paging Profanity
in thread Front Paging Profanity

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Well Fuck!

Serves me right for breaking my first rule of posting: Never recommend a module that you've never used. I love Regex::Common but haven't tried Regex::Common::profanity. Here's my super duper profanity test suite:

#!/usr/bin/perl use Regexp::Common qw /profanity/; # @dirty7 = qw|Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits|; foreach (@dirty7) { print; /$RE{profanity}/ and print " contains profanity"; print "\n"; }
Looks like another bug report to the maintainer.

To be honest, I scratched my head for a while trying to figure out what the fuck the code for that module was doing:

package Regexp::Common::profanity; { use strict; local $^W = 1; use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/; my $profanity = '(?:cvff(?:\\ gnxr|\\-gnxr|gnxr|r(?:ef|[feq])|vat|l)?| +dhvzf?|fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat|l)|r(?:ef|[fqel])|vat|[fr])?|g(?:h +eqf?|jngf?)|jnax(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|f)?|n(?:ef(?:r(?:\\ ubyr|\\-ubyr| +ubyr|[fq])|vat|r)|ff(?:\\ ubyrf?|\\-ubyrf?|rq|ubyrf?|vat))|o(?:hyy(?: +\\ fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat)|f)?|\\-fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat)|f +)?|fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat)|f)?)|ybj(?:\\ wbof?|\\-wbof?|wbof?))| +p(?:bpx(?:\\ fhpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\-fhpx(?:ref?|vat)|fhpx(?:ref?|vat))|e +nc(?:c(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|l)|f)?|h(?:agf?|z(?:vat|zvat|f)))|qvpx(?:\\ + urnq|\\-urnq|rq|urnq|vat|yrff|f)|s(?:hpx(?:rq|vat|f)?|neg(?:r[eq]|va +t|[fl])?|rygpu(?:r(?:ef|[efq])|vat)?)|un(?:eq[\\-\\ ]?ba|ys(?:\\ n[fe +]|\\-n[fe]|n[fe])frq)|z(?:bgure(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\-shpx(?:ref?| +vat)|shpx(?:ref?|vat))|hgu(?:n(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat|[nnn])|\\-shpx(?: +ref?|vat|[nnn])|shpx(?:ref?|vat|[nnn]))|re(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\-s +hpx(?:ref?|vat)|shpx(?:ref?|vat)))|reqr?))'; my $contextual = '(?:c(?:bex|e(?:bax|vpxf?)|hff(?:vrf|l)|vff(?:\\ gnxr +|\\-gnxr|gnxr|r(?:ef|[feq])|vat|l)?)|dhvzf?|ebbg(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|f +)?|f(?:bq(?:q(?:rq|vat)|f)?|chax|perj(?:rq|vat|f)?|u(?:nt(?:t(?:r(?:e +f|[qe])|vat)|f)?|vg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat|l)|r(?:ef|[fqel])|vat|[fr] +)?))|g(?:heqf?|jngf?|vgf?)|jnax(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|f)?|n(?:ef(?:r(?:\ +\ ubyr|\\-ubyr|ubyr|[fq])|vat|r)|ff(?:\\ ubyrf?|\\-ubyrf?|rq|ubyrf?|v +at))|o(?:ba(?:r(?:ef|[fe])|vat|r)|h(?:ttre|yy(?:\\ fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef| +[qe])|vat)|f)?|\\-fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat)|f)?|fuvg(?:g(?:r(?:ef| +[qe])|vat)|f)?))|n(?:fgneq|yy(?:r(?:ef|[qe])|vat|f)?)|yb(?:bql|j(?:\\ + wbof?|\\-wbof?|wbof?)))|p(?:bpx(?:\\ fhpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\-fhpx(?:ref? +|vat)|fhpx(?:ref?|vat)|f)?|enc(?:c(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|l)|f)?|h(?:agf? +|z(?:vat|zvat|f)))|q(?:batf?|vpx(?:\\ urnq|\\-urnq|rq|urnq|vat|yrff|f +)?)|s(?:hpx(?:rq|vat|f)?|neg(?:r[eq]|vat|[fl])?|rygpu(?:r(?:ef|[efq]) +|vat)?)|u(?:hzc(?:r(?:ef|[eq])|vat|f)?|n(?:eq[\\-\\ ]?ba|ys(?:\\ n[fe +]|\\-n[fe]|n[fe])frq))|z(?:bgure(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\-shpx(?:ref? +|vat)|shpx(?:ref?|vat))|hgu(?:n(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat|[nnn])|\\-shpx(? +:ref?|vat|[nnn])|shpx(?:ref?|vat|[nnn]))|re(?:\\ shpx(?:ref?|vat)|\\- +shpx(?:ref?|vat)|shpx(?:ref?|vat)))|reqr?))'; tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ foreach $profanity, $contextual; pattern name => [qw (profanity)], create => '(?:\b(?k:' . $profanity . ')\b)', ; pattern name => [qw (profanity contextual)], create => '(?:\b(?k:' . $contextual . ')\b)', ; } 1; #... # Better include the copyright notice =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 - 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see =cut
I mean shit! Talk about fucking Rosetta Stone code there. I figured that it must be good since I don't know what the fuck it's doing. It did seem impressive that it could filter out cussing withouth having any of the cuss words that it's filtering out in the code. Me and my motherfucking inferiority complex.

Personally, I could care less. Hells bells, our tax money funds genocidal dictators around the globe and agencies that sell crack cocaine to their own citizens and we're worried about a little cussing. But heck, if people don't like it, it's easily solved. Make a nice project for some young PMDEV wannabe.

(updated once twice three times shortly after post.)

p.s. The real profanity in this post is that I didn't use strict in my code. As Bugs Bunny would say, "Ain't I a stinker?"