Category: HTML Utility
Author/Contact Info
Description: I wrote this code a few months ago because i need to add photogalleries to my site. Instead of doing 15pages manual i let it do it by it self. improvements can be done,especially with update_menus() and the progress meters. It is a massive code i know but im kinda proud of it :). Comments?

use strict;

my $conf_file="/root/gallery.conf";
my $version="1.4 Rewritten";
my $count=0;
my $pics_root="/www/";
my $overwrite;



sub main
        (my $current_image_set)=@_;
        print "We currently are at set [${current_image_set}]\n";
        print "Is this correct?\n";
        chomp(my $confirmation=<STDIN>);
        print "\aEnter 'y' for yes and 'n' for no!\n" and chomp($_=<ST
+DIN>) until /[yn]/;
        create_conf_file() if $confirmation eq "n";

        my $creating_set=$current_image_set+1;
        print "OK,now some questions about the NEXT set..[$creating_se
        print "How many images do you have in the set [$creating_set]?
        chomp(my $number_of_images=<STDIN>);
        $_=$number_of_images;   # fix this
        print "\aNumbers only!\n" and chomp($_=<STDIN>) until /\d+/; #
+ and this
        print "\aMax 15 images per set!\n" and chomp($_=<STDIN>) until
+ $_ <= 15;
        $number_of_images=$_; # and this with tilde
        print "\n-Doing initial work-\n";
        print "Creating dir...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "Creating ${creating_set}.html...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "Creating pics files...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "Updating menus...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "Changing axx rights...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "Updating conf file...";
        print "DONE!\n";
        print "-Initial work OK-\n";
        sleep 1;
        print "Image set $creating_set...CREATED!!!\n";
        print "You may now upload the jpegs!\n";

sub create_dirs
        (my $creating_set,$overwrite)=@_;
        rmdir  "$pics_root/pics/${creating_set}/" if $overwrite eq "ye
        unlink <$pics_root/pics/${creating_set}.html> if $overwrite eq
+ "yes";
        mkdir "$pics_root/pics/${creating_set}",0775;

sub check_dupes
        (my $creating_set)=@_;
        my $found;
        my $confirmation;

        print "\nChecking for dupes...";
        if (-e "$pics_root/pics/$creating_set.html" or -e "$pics_root/
                print "FAILED!\n";
                print "[$creating_set] already exists!\n";
                print "Do you want to overwrite?\n";
                print "\aEnter 'y' for yes and 'n' for no!\n" and chom
+p($_=<STDIN>) until /[yn]$/;
                create_conf_file() if $confirmation eq "n";
                $overwrite="yes" if $confirmation eq "y";
                print "OK!\n";
        return $overwrite;

sub update_menus
        (my $current_image_set)=@_;
        my $set_before_current=$current_image_set - 1;
        open INDEX,"<$pics_root/pics/index.html" or die "FAILED!\n$!";
        open TEMP,">/tmp/temp.index_2" or print "Cannot open temp file
        while (<INDEX>)
                print TEMP $_;
                if (/$set_before_current<\/a>/)
                        print TEMP qq!<a href="s${current_image_set}.h
                        print TEMP qq!$current_image_set</a>\n!;
        close TEMP;
        close INDEX;
        rename "$pics_root/pics/index.html","/tmp/" or di
+e "Cannot rename index.html!
        rename "/tmp/temp.index_2" , "$pics_root/pics/index.html" or d
+ie "Cannot rename temp.index
_2 $!";
        unlink </tmp/> or die "Can't unlink! $!";

        for (2..$current_image_set)
                if ($_ < $current_image_set)

                        open MENU,"<$pics_root/pics/s${_}.html" or pri
+nt "$!";
                        open TMP,">/tmp/s${_}.html" or print "$!";
                        while (<MENU>)
                                print TMP $_;
                                if (/$set_before_current<\/a>/)
                                        print TMP qq!<a href="s${curre
                                        print TMP qq!">$current_image_
                                elsif (/$set_before_current<\/font><\/
                                        print TMP qq!<a href="s${curre
                                        print TMP qq!">$current_image_
                close TMP;
                close MENU;
                rename "$pics_root/pics/s${_}.html","/tmp/buhaha${_}";
                rename "/tmp/s${_}.html","$pics_root/pics/s${_}.html";
                unlink </tmp/buhaha${_}>;

sub update_conf
        (my $creating_set)=@_;
        my @conf;

        open CONF,">$conf_file" or create_conf_file();
        close CONF;
        unshift @conf, "Image set=$creating_set\n";
        open CONF,">$conf_file" or create_conf_file();
        print CONF @conf;
        close CONF;

sub change_rights
        chmod 0755,"$pics_root/pics" or print "FAILED!\n" and exit;

sub update_menus
        (my $current_set, my $creating_set)=@_;
        open INDEX,"<$pics_root/pics/index.html" or die "index: $!";
        open TEMP,">/tmp/tmp_index" or die "tmp_index: $!";
        while (<INDEX>)
                print TEMP $_;
                if (/$current_set<\/a>/)
                        print TEMP qq#<a href="s${creating_set}.html>$
        close INDEX;
        close TEMP;
        rename "$pics_root/pics/index.html","/tmp/old_index" or die "$
        rename "/tmp/tmp_index","$pics_root/pics/index.html" or die "$
        unlink </tmp/old_index>;


sub create_pics_files
        (my $creating_set,my $number_of_images)=@_;
        for (1..$number_of_images)
        open IMAGE_FILE,">${pics_root}/pics/${creating_set}/s${creatin
+g_set}b${_}.html" or print "
FAILED!\n\n" and die "$!";
        select IMAGE_FILE;
        print qq#<html><head><title>Set $creating_set Pic $_</title></
        print qq#\n<body text="green" background="
        print qq# bgproperties="fixed">#;
        print qq#\n<img src="s${creating_set}b${_}.jpg">\n<html>#;
        close IMAGE_FILE;
        select STDOUT;
        print ".";

sub create_html
        (my $creating_set,my $number_of_images)=@_;
        open SET_HTML,">$pics_root/pics/${creating_set}.html" or print
+ "FAILED!\n\n\n" and die "$!
        select SET_HTML;
        print qq#<html><head><title>Set ${creating_set}</title>\n#;
        print qq#<style type="text/css">\n#;
        print qq#<!--\n#;
        print qq#A:link { text-decoration: none; color: "green"; }\n#;
        print qq#A:visited { text-decoration: none; color: "green"; }\
        print qq#A:active { text-decoration: none; color: "green"; }\n
        print qq#A:hover { text-decoration: none; color: "lightgreen";
+ }\n#;
        print qq#-->\n#;
        print qq#</style>\n#;
        print qq#<body background="">\n#;
        print qq#<center>\n#;
        print qq#<font face="Terminal" color="green">\n#;
        print qq#Gallery:\n#;
        print qq#<a href="index.html">1</a>\n#;

        for (2..$creating_set)
                if ($_ == $creating_set)
                        print qq#<a href="s${creating_set}.html">#;
                        print qq#<font color="red">$creating_set</font
                        print qq#</a>\n#;
                        print qq#<a href="s${_}.html">$_</a>\n#;

        print qq#</font>\n<table border=0>\n<tr>#;

        for (1..$number_of_images)
                print qq#<td><a href="s${creating_set}/#;
                print qq#s${creating_set}b${_}.html">#;
                print qq#<img border=0 width=100 height=100 #;
                print qq#src="s${creating_set}/thumbs${creating_set}#;
                print qq#b${creating_set}.jpg"</a></td>\n#;
                if ($count == 3)
                        print qq#</tr>\n#;
        print qq#</tr>\n</table>\n</center>\n</body>\n</html>#;
        close SET_HTML;
        select STDOUT;

sub create_conf_file
        my @conf;
        print "What image set are you CURRENTLY on?\n";
        chomp(my $image_set=<STDIN>);
        $_=$image_set;  # fix this
        print "\aNumbers only!\n" and chomp($_=<STDIN>) until /\d+/; #
+ and this
        $image_set=$_; # and this
        print "You inputed number $_\n"; # with tilde
        print "Is this correct?\n";
        chomp(my $confirmation=<STDIN>);
        print "\aEnter 'y' for yes and 'n' for no!\n" and chomp($_=<ST
+DIN>) until /[yn]/;
        create_conf_file() if $confirmation eq "n";
        open CONF,">$conf_file" or die "Cant open $conf_file: $!";
        print "You're currently at set $image_set\n";
        print CONF "Image set=",$image_set,"";
        close CONF;
        my $current_image_set=$image_set;
        main($current_image_set) if $confirmation eq "y";

sub check_conf_file
        if (-e $conf_file)
                print "EXISTS\n";
                open CONF,"<$conf_file" or create_conf_file();
                print "-File tests OK-\n\n";
                my $conf=<CONF>;
                close CONF;
                my @temp_array=split /=/,$conf;
                my $current_image_set=$temp_array[1];
                print "NOPE!\nBuilding one...\n";

sub file_tests
        print "\n-Doing initial file tests-\n";
        print "Check if the webdirectory exists...";
        if (-e "$pics_root")
                print "EXISTS\n";
                print "NOPE\n";
                die "Are you sure this is matrox?\n";
        print "Check if index.html exists...";
        if (-e "$pics_root/pics/index.html")
                print "EXISTS\n";
                print "NOPE\n";
                die "Are you sure this is matrox?\n";

print "Check if conf file exists...";

sub version
print qq!\t    ############################################\n!;
print qq!\t    # Gallery Maintainer $version - by DarkSniper #\n!;
print qq!\t    ############################################\n!;