in reply to Apache 2 and mod_perl

Based on the current answers I'm replying...

I've got mod_perl2 + Apache2 up and running on a test machine at home. What I did was the following:

  1. Checkout the latest CVS version of mod_perl2 as the latest distribution didn't work for me :-(, so: cvs -d co modperl-2.0
  2. Generate the makefile: perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/path/to/apache2 MP_INST_APACHE2=1
  3. The well known commands: make, make test and make install will create everything. NOTE: if `make test' fails; it doesn't necessarily mean the module doesn't work...!
  4. Notify Apache2 of this super module by inserting these lines into httpd.conf:
    LoadModule perl_module modules/ PerlModule Apache2 PerlSwitches -w
After a restart of Apache2, you should see in its signature that mod_perl/<version> is loaded/enabled! If so: congrats' on your succesful installation of mod_perl2! :-)


-- JaWi

"A chicken is an egg's way of producing more eggs."