How are the Illuminations maintained?

Illuminations are a select list of questions which are of exceptional quality and timeless relevance. The list is hand-curated by the QandAEditors group, an elite cadre of seasoned Perl veterans who have been specially deputized to perform this duty.

In order to qualify for inclusion in the Illuminations list, an exceptional question must also have at least one correspondingly exceptional answer. In this way, Illuminations constitute a high-quality Q&A list. Each exceptional question is assigned to one (or more) topical category.

The QandAEditors add a SoPW question to the Illuminations list by "blessing" the question with a star (⭐) and assigning one or more categories (tags, keywords) to the question. They will then "bless" one or more of the question's replies.

All SoPW questions remain visible as normal in the Seekers of Perl Wisdom section; only the exceptional ones are visible in the Illuminations list.

QandAEditors are not able to edit, delete, or otherwise alter questions and replies. If any other such janitorial action is needed, the consideration process should be used.

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