Hi monks,

I wrote this poem for a friend of mine.
"Manfred" is my ex-boss, who's leaving my company (INFONOVA) to teach students at a "FH" (Fachhochschule, smth. nearly similar to a university) 'cause his wife thought he spent to less time with his family, his kids. We use to play Conterstrike once and then, so the last loop.

Comments welcome.

our $Manfred;
local $guru;
system unix, certainly;

listen to, wife;
seek new, job, now;
split INFONOVA, Manfred;
select FH;
study Books;
tell students;

foreach($wednesday,$sunday) {
join $server,CS if time;
kill enemy if you->can(kill enemy);

send best_whishes, to, you;

that's it. Whole thingy parses without "-w" in perl 5.6.0. It's a simple one, but hey, my first one too. :o)
