in reply to Camel Time

Spiffy, but in your explanation you neglected to say at what time(s) the hands can be read (clockwise of course) as a sentence :-P

UPDATE: This ever so slightly tweaked version lets you see the *cough* camel *cough* as well :-D

#!perl -w use strict; $_=' $,=$/;$|=@_ =split//,"Justan ot +he rPerl.hacker";$/=\'$~= (local + tim e)[$.]*($.==0||$.==1?1:5);s ubstr($ +_,eval \\\'$^=$~*2*atan2(1,1)/15;int(- cos($^) * +($=+ 1)+11.5)*25+int(sin($^)*($=+1)+12.5)\\\',1 +, $_[$=+(11,4,0)[$.]])\';do{$_=("."x287). "#"."."x287;for$=(0..10){$.=0;eval$/; $=<7&&($.=1,e val$/);$=<4& &($.=2,ev al$/);}p rint(p ack(" c3 ", 27,9 1, 72 ),(/ .{ 25 }/g) ,s ca lar( lo cal time) );} whil e(slee p(1))';print;s/\s+//g;eval

perl -pew "s/\b;([mnst])/'$1/g"