Recently, my wife (who knows I'm addicted to anything with blinking LEDs on it) suggested that I might hook a monitor to my headless Linux box and have it display just blinking lights in the screen. Once I tore myself away from staring at the modem and ethernet hub, I took a crash course in Curses and threw together the following script.

Of course, now I want to add more monitors to the box just to have more things blinking at me ;)

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use Curses; my $win = new Curses; my ($x, $y, $color,$bold,$char); initscr; start_color; # Initialize the 6 color pairs I'll use init_pair 1, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 3, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 4, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 5, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 6, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK; init_pair 7, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE; halfdelay(1); #wait for 1/10 secs for keystroke noecho; #don't echo keystrokes # Loop to continuously blink the lights while (1) { $x = int(rand(79)); $y = int(rand(23)); $color = int(rand(8)); # use one of my 7 color pairs $bold = int(rand(2)); # Use a space as my character $char = 32|COLOR_PAIR($color)|A_REVERSE; if ( $bold > 0 ) { $char = $char|A_BOLD; } $win->addch($y,$x,$char); $win->refresh; # exit loop when a key is pressed last unless ($win->getch() eq -1); } endwin;