in reply to (jeffa) Re: Logical expression style
in thread Logical expression style

Same here. I regard parens and curly braces as pretty much the same thing. If the inner block is short, the whole thing goes on the same line. Otherwise, the opening (paren|curly) is at the end of the first line, the block inside it indented on the following lines, and finally the closing \1 follows outdented on the next line. I place closing and opening parens/curlies back to back on the same line, but do not cuddle else's.
if( $very_long_expression_written_out_here && $another_long_expression_in_this_line && $yet_more_following_here ) { do_whatever(); } else { do_something_else(); }
These are not absolutely inflexible rules though; if large and small blocks intermingle, I break one or another rule in order for the parts to stand out from each other. The first and foremost rule is that I should have no trouble picking up the exact structure of the source while scrolling, even when the text is moving too fast to actually read it. That augments both the legibility of the code as well as my efficiency, because I can navigate large bodies of code purely visually.

Makeshifts last the longest.