This will show a user on a list of files that are buried in, including file size and file type.

I needed to do this because one of the developers on a project I'm working with deposits his beta builds on a server in Denmark, but only has http available at his disposal. Since the main project website is in the US, maintained by me, I needed a way to get those beta builds accessible from the website when he created them.

Previously, I would keep hitting his directory in .dk every few days/weeks and just copy the files over the the US server, write up a quick HTML blurb describing the files, and make that live on the site.

With this code, I don't have to ever do anything with mirroring of the files. When his new files appear in .dk, this listing is updated automagically on the US site when the user selects this page.


  • Need to add error checking when/if the remote server is down
  • Add file date/timestamps to the listing (LWP::Simple has this field, IIRC)
  • Add smarts to this to just grab these files and mirror them locally from this code (wget/pavuk/etc. is not sufficient for this task)
use strict; use diagnostics; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Simple; use HTML::LinkExtor; use URI::URL; my $url = ""; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my @links = (); sub callback { my($tag, %attr) = @_; return if $tag eq 'href'; push(@links, values %attr); return (@links); } my $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&callback); my $res = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url), sub {$p->parse($_[0])}); my $base = $res->base; @links = map {$_ = url($_, $base)->abs;} @links; my @betas = grep(/tar/, @links); foreach my $beta (@betas) { my @remote_files = head($beta); my $length = $remote_files[1]; my $bprecise = sprintf "%.0f", $length; my $bsize = insert_commas($bprecise); my $kprecise = sprintf "%.0f", ($length/1024); my $ksize = insert_commas($kprecise); my $archtype; # tarball? or bzip2? or zip? my $betahref = substr($beta, 40, 70); if ($beta =~ /tar.gz/) { $archtype = "(tarball)"; } elsif ($beta =~ /bz2/) { $archtype = "(bzip)"; } else { $archtype = "(zip)"; } print a({-href=>"$beta"}, "$betahref"), " $archtype<br />${ksize}kb, $bsize bytes", br,br; } ################################################# # # Insert commas in numeric lengths, so the number # 1234567 would be 1,234,567 # ################################################# sub insert_commas { local($_) = @_; 1 while s/(\d+)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/; $_; }