in reply to File::Find redux: how to limit hits?

use the 'preprocess ' option. Your other option is to mess with signals (see perlsig, %SIG)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Find; # scrap codeee find( { wanted => \&wanted, # preprocess => \&preprocess, }, '/' ); BEGIN { use vars qw( $maxHit $Hit); $maxHit = 10; } BEGIN { $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { my @d = @_; if($d[-1] eq "dying max $maxHit") { warn "hit the max $maxHit"; return(); } else { warn(@_); exit(1); } }; } sub wanted { my $file = $_; print "$file\n"; $Hit++; die "dying max $maxHit" if($Hit >= $maxHit) } ## something like this sub preprocess { my @list = @_; my $diff = $maxHit - $Hit; warn "pre processing( $Hit, $maxHit, ".scalar(@list)." )"; if($Hit > $maxHit ) { return (); }elsif( @list > $diff ) { warn "splicing";use Data::Dumper; @list = splice(@list,0,$diff); warn Dumper \@list; } return @list; }
update: you better stick with the eval ( see Kanjis node above). I've been too signal happy lately ;)

update: please note that the preprocess option is not available everywhere (best upgrade File::Find)

I also feel that there ought to exist File::Find::breakout, which would basically stop find from executing anymore (return? ;)

UPDATE: after hastily posting this, which i still think is good idea, a couple of smart asses point out goto. Yeah well i'm not 0 for 2 so far ;)(dammit! sometimes solutions you know but don't love escape you)

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
perl -e "$q=$_;map({chr unpack qq;H*;,$_}split(q;;,q*H*));print;$q/$q;"