I'm not sure if I should've labelled this (OT) or put it in Perl Monks Discussion. Maybe it belongs in Node Reaper's belly! You be the judge.

Occasionally when I scroll the browser window, a couple of nicks in Other Users will appear to blend into each other, sometimes with humorous results. Yesterday I thought I saw Madman logged in; turned out to be MeowChow and tadman next to each other. Today my mind blended snapdragon and beernuts into beerdragon. It would've been funnier as snapnuts, but that's accidental humor for you.

So I started thinking about some other possibilities, which I haven't "seen", but would be funny nonetheless. All I could come up with was Dog and Pony + ChemBoy = DogBoy.

Any other funny blends you can think of? Please, nothing insulting -- these nicks are personal.