Category: NT Admin
Author/Contact Info Arcanumemail:
Description: I needed a program to audit disk usage on NT/Win2k servers. I couldn't find anything that would fit my needs, and the Boss was too cheap to pay for commercial software, so I decided to roll my own. This Perl script makes guesses at total disk usage for web content, logs files, and databases. I say it makes guesses because we compress the Logs directories to save space, and I used a simple divide by four to compensate for this compression. That's close enough to the real ratio for large amounts of files.

Just some background so you know what's happening:

-Clients keep their web content in e:\web\{their directory}
-The logs are stored in e:\web\{their directory}\logs
-Access databases are stored on the d:\ drive
-SQL databases are stored on up to two data servers, with NetBIOS mappings to make this work (m:\ and n:\)

Obviously this is custom tailored for our needs, but it can serve as a pretty decent guideline for your own program. I'm just a hack; I'm very much a Perl novice, so this may look be a bit crude. However, it does its job for us, so I can't complain. :)

Comments and questions are welcome. Thanks.

Edit by dws for formating and code tags

# Audit script to get a good estimate      #
# of total disk space used by each client #

print "\n\nEnter the path of the directory to check:
(i.e. e:\\\\web, note the double-backslashes - these are necessary)\n\

$path=<STDIN>;        #parent of the directories to get sizes of

print "\n\nEnter the minimum in megs:\n\n\n";

$minsize=<STDIN>;        #disk space usage to check against
print "\n\n\n";

$minsize=$minsize*1048576;    #converted to bytes

$sdbpath1="m:/";    #SQL Database paths
$adbpath="d:/dbase";    #Access Database path

@files=`dir /b`;    #uses the 'bare' switch of the 'dir' command
            #to get a list of directories to size

open (OUTFILE, ">c:/audit.txt");

print OUTFILE "Folder\t\t\tLogs (Megs)\t\tDatabases (Megs)\t\tTotal (M

foreach $file (@files){

    # This loop recursively sizes one directory  #
    # at a time from the list in @files, using   #
    # the DOS command 'dir /s'.             #
    # It then uses some array manipulation         #
    # and substitution to get the total in bytes #

    if (-d $file){
        @temparray=`dir /s "$file"`;
        $tempout =~ s/ //g;
        $tempout =~ s/,//g;
        $tempout =~ s/bytes//;
        $tempout =~ s/.{0,8}File\(s\)//;


        # After changing to the client's    #
        # directory, use 'dir /s' again        #
        # to get the size of the logs directory #

        @logarray=`dir /s Logs`;
        $logtemp =~ s/ //g;
        $logtemp =~ s/,//g;
        $logtemp =~ s/bytes//;
        $logtemp =~ s/.{0,8}File\(s\)//;


        # Same story for the SQL database #
        # directories              #

        if (-d $file){
            @sdbarray1=`dir /s "$file"`;
            $sdbtemp1 =~ s/ //g;
            $sdbtemp1 =~ s/,//g;
            $sdbtemp1 =~ s/bytes//;
            $sdbtemp1 =~ s/.{0,8}File\(s\)//;


        if (-d $file){
            @sdbarray2=`dir /s "$file"`;
            $sdbtemp2 =~ s/ //g;
            $sdbtemp2 =~ s/,//g;
            $sdbtemp2 =~ s/bytes//;
            $sdbtemp2 =~ s/.{0,8}File\(s\)//;


        # ...And the Access Databases #

        if (-d $file){
            @adbarray=`dir /s "$file"`;
            $adbtemp =~ s/ //g;
            $adbtemp =~ s/,//g;
            $adbtemp =~ s/bytes//;
            $adbtemp =~ s/.{0,8}File\(s\)//;

        $dbtemp=$sdbtemp1+$sdbtemp2+$adbtemp;    #add database totals
        $tempout=$tempout-$logtemp;    #subtract uncompressed log
                        #size from total
        $logtemp=$logtemp/4;        #guesstimate for compressed
                        #log files
        $tempout=$tempout+$logtemp;    #add compressed log size
                        #back to total

        $tempout=$tempout+$dbtemp;    #add  database size

        if ($tempout > $minsize){
            $logtemp=$logtemp/1048576;    #convert to megabytes
            printf OUTFILE ("$file\t\t%.2f\t\t\t%.2f\t\t\t\t%.2f\n", $
+logtemp, $dbtemp, $tempout);

close OUTFILE;