Category: NT admin
Author/Contact Info OzzyOsbourne
Description: Gets services and their status on multiple servers from the command line.
#gets services on a bunch of servers, lists there name, and their stat
# Usage: server1 server2 server3 ...

use strict;
use Win32::Service qw(StartService StopService GetStatus GetServices);
my %statcodeHash = ('1' => 'stopped.','2' => 'start pending.','3' => '
+stop pending.','4' => 'running.','5' => 'continue pending.','6' => 'p
+ause pending.','7' => 'paused.');
my %serviceHash;
my ($service,%statusHash,$server);

foreach $server (@ARGV){
    print "\n\n##### $server #####\n\n";
    GetServices("$server",\%serviceHash) or next;
    foreach(sort keys %serviceHash){
        print "$_: $serviceHash{$_}\t";

sub getstatus{
    GetStatus("$_[0]", "$_[1]", \%statusHash);
    print "$statcodeHash{$statusHash{\"CurrentState\"}} \n";