in reply to Re: Open3 and bad gut feeling : 357 char STDIN limit?
in thread Open3 and bad gut feeling

Welp.. turns out that if I pass the command+args as an array instead of a string to Open3 the problem disapears. I don't even have to create an script to run large command lines.

The DOS problem was eliminated by slurping up the args via set VAR=%*.

So to put an end to this here's the code as I am going to run with it.

# RETURNS: %OSexec = ( stdout => $stdout, stderr => $stderr pid => $pi +d ) sub OSexecute { my @execute = @_; my $stdin = IO::Select->new(); # not sure what difference <&STDIN and \*STDIN have $stdin->add("\*STDIN"); my $din = IO::Handle->new(); $din->autoflush(1); $stdin->add($din); my $stdout = IO::Select->new(); $stdout->add(\*STDOUT); my $dout = IO::Handle->new(); $dout->autoflush(1); $stdout->add($dout); my $stderr = IO::Select->new(); $stderr->add(\*STDERR); my $derr = IO::Handle->new(); $derr->autoflush(1); $stderr->add($derr); my ( $pid, $val); my $debug = "false"; #$debug = "true"; if ( $debug =~ /true/i ) { print "OSify::Execute::OSexecute::\$execute = @execute\n"; } # Here is the actual execution eval { $pid = open3( $din, $dout, $derr, @execute ); # waitpid waits for the proces to exit # $val could be used as a means to determine status # while waiting if that functionality becomes needed. $val = waitpid(-1,0); #wait's for process to complete }; $@ && die "OSify::OSexecute died upon execution of\n@execute\nWith +$@"; # Gather the results my $line; # Standard Out my @stdout = <$dout>; my $out; foreach $line (@stdout) { $line = OSify::Utility::trimSpaces($line); $out = $out . $line; } if ( ! $out ) { $out = 1; } # Standard Error my @stderr = <$derr>; my $err; foreach $line ( @stderr ) { $line = OSify::Utility::trimSpaces($line); $err = $err . $line; } if ( ! $err ) { $err = 1; } # Flush and close the Filehandles $din->flush(); $din->close; $dout->flush(); $dout->close; $derr->flush(); $derr->close; my %OSexec = ( stdout => $out, stderr => $err, pid => $pid, ); return %OSexec; }