This routine unmerges a list into more than one list, but destroys the original list. A non-destructive version is available.

my @arr = qw ( apples oranges bananas pears berries apricots peaches ) +; my @arr_of_columns = unmerge_list_d( \@arr, 2 );
giving us:
['apples', 'bananas','berries', 'prunes'] ['oranges','pears', 'apricots']

If you want to pad the end of uneven arrays place the padding as the third argument

my $arr_of_arr = unmerge_list_d( [ 1 .. 7 ], 3, 'goofy' ); which yields:
[ [1, 4, 7] [2, 5, 'goofy'] [3, 6, 'goofy'] ]

I don't know if unmerge_list_d will allow very large arrays to be unmerged, but it should help reduce memory usage.

sub unmerge_list_d { my ( $list_ref, $qty, $pad ) = @_; return unless ref $list_ref eq 'ARRAY'; my $arr; push @$arr, [] for 1 .. $qty; if ( @$list_ref % $qty && @_ > 2) { my $padded = $qty - @$list_ref % $qty ; push @{ $list_ref }, ($pad) x $padded; } LOOP: while (1) { foreach ( @$arr ) { push @{ $_ }, shift @$list_ref; last LOOP unless @$list_ref; } } return @$arr if wantarray; return $arr; }