Lovesong by The Cure
#!/usr/bin/perl @lovesong = qw(L o v e s on g); while (($_= <DATA>) && chomp && $_) {$.<=@lovesong ? ${$lovesong[$.-1]} = $_ : push @love, $_} @song = @lovesong[-3..-1]; $lovesong = length($L.$o.$v.$e.$s.$on.$g) - @love ** 2; print $L."\n"x2; for ((split //, $s)[0..4]) { if (ord(lc) <= $lovesong) { printf ("$o\n$v\n", $love[$j++]) for 0..1; } else { my $i; print ((ord(lc) <= $lovesong? $e : ${$song[$i++]}) . "\n" ) for (reverse split //, (split / /, $s)[0]); } print "\n"; } __DATA__ Lovesong Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am %s again I will always love you However far away However long I stay Whatever words I say home whole young fun free clean
Update: better split in outer for and fixed too long DATA. Fixed an excessive { thanks to tye
