I must first state that I don't hate Microsoft, nor do I wish any personal misfortune on Bill. In fact I've used DOS/Windows for over 10 years, and it's better now (NT/2K) than it use to be.

Recently I inherited a project that's running on NT/IIS/SAP. I don't get to change the NT/IIS bit because of SAP at the moment. Long term I will get to move the web element onto a BSD/Apache box, but for the moment I have to struggle on with NT/IIS. To make mattters worse, I'm not root on the remote IIS box, and I'm developing locally on NT/Apache!

The process is very simple, upload a single file, parse it with an XML parser to see if it's well formed, if it is POST it on to a SAP Business Connector, collect the result, and return a HTML page to the browser.

Everything works PERFECTLY on my NT/Apache box, the file goes up, you get a nice error if you try to overload it, a nice error if you send non-well-formed XML, a nice error if it can't connet to SAP, and if everything goes well, a nice HTML sucess page. It even logs things nicely to a text file.

On IIS I discovered things were not as expected (and thanks to the many Monks who helped here).

I'm sure that some things can be fixed, but as I am forced by MS to use a GUI, the IT department fobid me from using it remotely, as the box is in the DMZ, so I have to ask to go into a freezing cold server room and log in as root locally (they don't like that either), and use the stupid IIS GUI!! is the default way of doing CGI in Perl, I've used it with Apache, EMWACS HTTPs and Netscape/iPlanet on NT, Linux and Solaris, with no problems. Yet on NT/IIS I've had no end of problems. Lincoln it's creator doesn't even have an NT box to test it with - we're working through some other NT problems as I write!

While I accept that I should go away and learn more about IIS, the fact that it's so different from anything else, does so many illogical things, and seems to heap complexity on for no good reason, doesn't make me want to use it.

I also know that I shouldn't be doing things cross-platform either....

End of rant, I feel much better now....

P.S. If anyone has any useful IIS tips I'd apreciate them....