in reply to Regular expression for two required words

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; while (<DATA>) { chomp; print; print /(?=.*foo)(?=.*bar)/s ? "\t match \n" : "\t no match \n" +; } __DATA__ foo bar bar foo foo bar baz barbazfoo foofoobar
gives output:
foo bar match bar foo match foo no match bar no match baz no match barbazfoo match foofoobar match


Update re jeroenes's points below:
1. I used /s to make '.' match any character, in case fsn's *real* strings weren't all in one line.
2. Yes, or even print grep /(?=.*foo)(?=.*bar)/, <DATA> ; , but I wanted to print the failed matches too. Perhaps print map{ chomp; /(?=.*foo)(?=.*bar)/?"$_ yes \n":"$_ no \n"} <DATA> ;
