in reply to Re: How can I read DATA in parent and child?
in thread How can I read DATA in parent and child?

This works:

use IO::Handle; use strict; use warnings; my $x= IO::Handle->new(); $x->fdopen(fileno(DATA), "r"); my $y= IO::Handle->new(); $y->fdopen(fileno(DATA), "r"); my $pos= tell *DATA; my $pid= fork(); die unless defined $pid; if ($pid == 0) { seek $x, $pos, 0; print "Start c\n"; while (<$x>) { print "c: $_"; sleep 1; } print "stop c\n"; } else { seek $y, $pos, 0; print "Start p\n"; while (<$y>) { print "p: $_"; sleep 1; } print "stop p\n"; } __DATA__ a b c d e

Simply reposition the filepointer…
