in reply to Re^2: Binding Perl tk table scrollbars with keyboards up and down arrow keys
in thread Binding Perl tk table scrollbars with keyboards up and down arrow keys

Hi, see Need help finding which column/row the mouse cursor is over in Tk.... You might be able to get your current scrollbar position, then use $scrollbar->set(first, last); to adjust your new range. You may even be able to juggle the code in the -scrollcommand option, and use the -fixedrows and or -fixedcolumns options to select your range. Here is something that you could look at to start your mind working.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::Table; my $mw= tkinit; #$mw->geometry("400x400+100+100"); my $table = $mw->Scrolled('Table', -rows =>2, -columns => 100, -fixedrows => 2, #trick to hide scrollbars -fixedcolumns => 5, -scrollbars => 'soe', -takefocus => 1,)->pack(-fill=>'both', -expand=>1); my %widgets; for my $row(1..10){ for my $col(1..100){ $widgets{$row}{$col} = $table->Button( -text=> "$row - $col", -background => 'white', -command => sub{ do_me($row,$col) } ); $table->put( $row,$col,$widgets{$row}{$col} ); } } MainLoop; sub do_me{ my ($row, $col) = @_; print "$row $col\n"; }

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