mikeB has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Survey time :)

I've been trying several approaches to coding a small multi-page order entry web site. The pages are login, order entry, and confirmation. I've so far not found an approach I like that seems it would scale well for larger sites. One given in this project is HTML::Template or a similar method of separating the Perl from the HTML.

The .pl-per-page doesn't seem to work well as the validation of one page is generally followed by the display of another. The approach, with a top level dispatch and separate processing and display subs seems cleaner in some respects, but gets messy as the site grows. I've sketched a few OO ideas but so far haven't hit anything I like.

So, I ask you, fellow monks: What approach have you found that works well and is easily maintained? Mind you, I'm not looking for implementation details or code examples - although they wouldn't be ignored - just a high level overview. Pointers to good references are welcome.