in reply to RFC: Hide Very Bad Answers From Visitors

Hello jdporter and thanks for your work,

while this is a good idea I have some humble suggestions. First I'd like this new feature to be available also to logged users, better if controlled via user settings.

Second I do not like the complete invisibility of these post: I'd prefere an advice like This post and the eventual replies to this post are not shown because of the poor quality of it's content followed by a link to the original content and a link to this policy.

About the treshold: perhaps a fixed negative number it's not the best idea. Infact a node with +30 -37 in my opinion is not automatically a bad node. It's a very controversial one not necessary a bad one. I imagine nodes about perl6 as an example of this kind of nodes. So perhaps some kind of formulas is better: maybe making positive nodes votes more heavy can serve: (pos * 1.2 - neg) < -6 or something like this. In the above example +30 -37 will lead to -1 and nothing will happen; but +25 -37 will lead to fade out the post ( 25 * 1.2 - 37 = -7 ).

My original idea was to decrease the font size of such nodes, as exposed responding in the thread Re: Let's Make PerlMonks Great Again! -- font size you for sure remember. Lowering the font size and put a tag like This post is in lower font size because of low consideration of the content or something like this is, imho, a better solution even if not easier to implement.

Anyway thanks


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