x-lours has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I'm forced to use Tkx (ActivePerl). I can't move to Tk neither upload any module. The firewall of the company prevent any upload.

I'm looking for a way to change the size of the columns in a table (new_table).
I need to fit the size of :

but the 4 columns are always with the same size !

here is a skeleton of a script

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Tkx; Tkx::package_require("Tktable"); my $mw = Tkx::widget->new("."); my %hash = ( # data to display for example '1,0' => 'Vertical', '2,0' => 'Lng', '3,0' => 'Lateral', '0,1' => 'Expected shifts (A)', '0,2' => 'Shifts based on img alignment (B)', '0,3' => '|A-B|', ); my $t = $mw->new_table ( -rows => 4, -cols => 4, -cache => 1, -variable => \%hash, ); $t->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "news"); # what i try but did'nt work... $t->g_grid_columnconfigure(0, -weight => 2); $t->g_grid_columnconfigure(1, -weight => 10); $t->g_grid_columnconfigure(2, -weight => 5); $t->g_grid_columnconfigure(3, -weight => 5); Tkx::MainLoop();

any help is granted ;-)

best regards
x-l'ours (a frenchy)