in reply to How to evaluate a mathematical formula that is stored in another file?

From the first part of your code it looks like you are storing your variables and values in the %data hash in the form $data{"variable name"} = "value". In order to work, your formulae have to use those variables and values in the very same format.

I would think it be useful to see a couple of examples.

Update: Here is some basic code to get you started:

use strict; use warnings; my %data = ( x => 5, y => 7, z => 2 ); my @formulae = ( 'x + y', 'z + 3', 'x ** z', 'a + x', 'x /= y', 'x - x' ); for my $formula (@formulae) { print "Processing formula $formula\n\t"; my @error = (); while ($formula =~ s|([a-z]+)|$data{$1}//' '|e) { push @error, $1 unless exists $data{$1}; } if (@error) { print "Error: unknown variable(s) @error\n\n"; } else { my $result = eval($formula); if( defined $result) { print "Result: $formula = $result\n\n"; } else { print "Syntax error in $formula\n\n"; } } }