ytjPerl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi folks, I have code as follow to start up my server and output log to a file. I've tested and it was working. but Today when I tried to run it again, I got error 'Can't open 'D:/log_script/tuxedo_logs/startup.20170814xxxxxx.log' for appending: 'No such file or directory. I am really confused, I assume 'my $input = "D:/log_script/tuxedo_logs/startup" . DATETIME . ".log";' this code would generate this file for writing.
use strict; use warnings; use lib "D:/App/Perl/lib//"; use autodie; use Capture::Tiny 'capture_merged'; use POSIX; use constant DATETIME => strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime); my $input = "D:/log_script/tuxedo_logs/startup" . DATETIME . ".log"; open ( my $file, ">>", $input )or die "cannot open $!"; chdir "D:/server/setup"; print $file capture_merged { system('setenv.cmd&&tmboot -y') }; close($file); `