in reply to Need Perl6: Inline::Perl5 help

This works:

#!/usr/bin/perl6 use Inline::Perl5; use Term::ANSIColor:from<Perl5> <color RED RESET>; my $Red = color("red"); my $Reset = color("reset"); say $Red ~ "--Red--" ~ $Reset; say RED ~ "--Red--" ~ RESET; say "{RED}--Red--{RESET}"; # And Laurent_R is right: my $Blue = Term::ANSIColor::color("blue"); say $Blue ~ "--Blue--" ~ $Reset;

Update: Another approach which works:

my $p5 =; $p5.use('Term::ANSIColor'); my $Green = $'Term::ANSIColor::GREEN'); say $Green ~ "--Green--" ~ $Reset;

However, this doesn't work (was trying to get around the AUTOLOAD):

Term::ANSIColor.YELLOW; # AUTOLOAD should generate YELLOW my $Yellow = Term::ANSIColor::YELLOW; # Hmm, nope :( at least not v +isible to Perl6 say $Yellow ~ "--Yellow--" ~ $Reset;

Good Day,